Getting Started =============== Installation ------------ Install the instrumented-soap package. .. code:: bash pip install instrumented-soap Configure using your Django project's file. The available options and their defaults are shown below. All configuration is optional. See the :data:`soap.settings ` documentation for more information about the available configuration options. .. code:: python # Enables Suds request/response logging DEBUG = True # Remove the Suds file cache of pickled WSDLs upon process exit SOAP_REMOVE_CACHE_ON_EXIT = False # Optional mapping of http(s):// WSDL URLs => file:// URLs to locally saved versions of the WSDL SOAP_WSDL_INTERCEPTS = {} # Optional HTTP/HTTPS proxy URL SOAP_PROXY_URL = None # Timeouts for opening WSDLs and sending method calls. Should be a # tuple containing (1) the TCP connect timeout and (2) the response # timeout. SOAP_OPEN_TIMEOUT = (3.05, 27) SOAP_SEND_TIMEOUT = (3.05, 10) Usage ----- Use with your SOAP API. .. code:: python >>> from soap import get_client >>> client = get_client('', 'DOPE API LOG PREFIX') >>> resp = client.service.DoStuff(42) >>> print(resp)