Source code for soap.test

from suds.transport import Reply
from http.client import HTTPMessage
import unittest.mock as mock
import soap
import re

from .http import HttpTransport

    from lxml import etree
except ImportError:
        # Python 2.5
        import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
    except ImportError:
            # Python 2.5
            import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
        except ImportError:
                # normal cElementTree install
                import cElementTree as etree
            except ImportError:
                    # normal ElementTree install
                    import elementtree.ElementTree as etree
                except ImportError:

[docs]class XMLAssertions(object): """ Unit test mixin to add XPath assertions on XML data. """
[docs] def assertNodeCount(self, xml_str, xpath, num): """ Assert that N number of the given node exist. :param xml_str: XML to test :param xpath: XPath query to run :param num: Number of nodes that the XPath query should return """ doc = etree.fromstring(xml_str) nodes = doc.xpath(xpath) self.assertEqual(num, len(nodes))
[docs] def assertNodeText(self, xml_str, xpath, expected): """ Assert that each node returned by the XPath equals the given text. :param xml_str: XML to test :param xpath: XPath query to run :param expected: Expected string content """ doc = etree.fromstring(xml_str) nodes = doc.xpath(xpath) self.assertTrue(len(nodes) > 0) for node in nodes: self.assertEqual(expected, node.text)
[docs] def assertNodeAttributes(self, xml_str, xpath, attributes): """ Assert that each node returned by the XPath has each of the given attributes and attribute values. :param xml_str: XML to test :param xpath: XPath query to run :param expected: Dictionary of attribute names and their expected values """ doc = etree.fromstring(xml_str) nodes = doc.xpath(xpath) self.assertTrue(len(nodes) > 0) for node in nodes: for attribute, value in attributes.items(): self.assertTrue(attribute in node.attrib) self.assertEqual(value, node.attrib[attribute])
[docs]class SoapTest(XMLAssertions): """ Subclass of :class:`soap.tests.XMLAssertions <soap.tests.XMLAssertions>` that adds behavior useful for mocking and testing a SOAP API at the XML level. """
[docs] def setUp(self): """Test Setup. Clears the :attr:`soap.clients <soap.clients>` cache.""" soap.clients = {}
[docs] def _build_transport_with_reply( self, body, status=200, pattern=None, test_request=None ): """ Build a fake :class:`soap.http.HttpTransport <soap.http.HttpTransport>` that, when called, will reply with the given XML body and status code. :param body: XML response data as bytes. :param status: HTTP status code to return. :param pattern: Optional. Regexp pattern to match against the request URL. Useful if your test communicates with multiple SOAP APIs that need different mock responses. :param test_request: Optional. Function to call with a request object, before returning the response. Can use this to run assertions on the SOAP request XML. :return: :class:`soap.http.HttpTransport <soap.http.HttpTransport>` object :rtype: soap.http.HttpTransport """ headers = HTTPMessage() headers.add_header("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8") reply = Reply(status, headers, body) transport = HttpTransport() def surrogate(request, *args, **kwargs): if pattern and not, request.url): return HttpTransport.send(transport, request, *args, **kwargs) if test_request: test_request(request) return reply transport.send = mock.MagicMock() transport.send.side_effect = surrogate return transport